Frequently Asked Questions

What is Fried Eagle?

Fried Eagle is a collective of students and parents who produce a quarterly indie zine (independent magazine).

Who is this opportunity for?

The opportunity to participate in Fried Eagle is available to the cohort of fifth graders at our elementary school. Fried Eagle is open to the siblings in this cohort, too.

When will meetings occur?

We hold meetings three times per issue. This year, we meet on Wednesdays from 2:15-3:30 after school. See Master Calendar for meeting dates. 

What are the roles of the students?

Students are required to write and submit a one-page article per issue. Students also brainstorm group articles for each issue. There are additional opportunities for students to get involved with copy, photography and artwork. The roles of cover artist and editor change with each issue. See Fried Eagle Duties for a more detailed description. 

What are the roles of the parents?

Parents are required to assist their child with his/her one-page article to ensure it makes the deadline. Since this is a volunteer-run zine, we need parent help with attend weekly meetings, field trips, zine sales and production. 

Is meeting attendance mandatory?

Attendance is not mandatory--especially during the summer--however, consistency will help students tremendously. Also, Fried Eagle has a lot to accomplish in its short meetings and as much help as possible is appreciated!

What if parents work?

Aftercare kids are pulled from aftercare and dropped off by a Fried Eagle parent. However, if a child is frequently disruptive and slows down the group's creative process, an adult will be required to supervise that child during meetings.

Can I have more details about how the zine comes together?

Fried Eagle is published four times per year. The theme of each issue is centered around a season and activities that occur during that season. For example, a fall issue might include articles on pumpkins, apples, autumn holidays, etc. 

Students brainstorm group articles and independently write their one-page article at home. Parents assist their child with the research and writing of the one-page article and with the drawing and inking of headlines. During meetings, copy, drawings and photos are pieced together. 

Ideally, students take the lead in their articles. Parents simply facilitate the process. This is where the learning takes place.

So how do you make these zines?

Fried Eagle is partnered with the Independent Publishing Resource Center (IPRC), a local nonprofit dedicated to media production. Documart publishes the zine.

How is Fried Eagle funded?

The goal is for Fried Eagle sales to generate enough money to fund itself. We also ask participating families for a one-time sponsorship of $20 or more. Sponsorships help fund program supplies, IPRC opportunities and zine publication. 

How much does the zine cost?

It costs $2 to produce each zine. Zines are sold for a minimum of $2, however, consumers can pay any amount above this cost. 

What do you do with the cash earnings?

Funds generated by zine sales are placed in a US Bank account. All profits are donated to the school's foundation at the end of the academic year.

How does all of this publicity work with minors?

First names--no last names--are used on the by-lines in the zine. Photos of students are posted on the blog, however, no names are mentioned. 

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