Monday, December 9, 2013

How Much Did We Raise for the Fall Issue?

Mom:  This is Mom interviewing---

Bob Who Likes Milk:  Bob Who Likes Milk! And that is Randy Butternubs!

Nigel:  I am not Randy Butternubs. I am Nigel.

Mom:  How much do you think you guys are going to deposit for the fall issue of Fried Eagle?

Nigel:  $134 dollars.

Bob Who Likes Milk:  I like milk! 144 gallons of milk!

Mom:  Okay, we'll see...

Teller:  Do you think it might be more?

Bob Who Likes Milk:  Okay, $200 dollars!

Nigel:  $250 dollars!

Teller:  Getting closer...

Bob Who Likes Milk:  $300 dollars?

Teller:  You deposited $271.63! That's great!

Nigel:  Whoa!

Bob Who Likes Milk:  Awesome! Now let's drink milk!

Mom:  Hey! Look at what Fried Eagle raised for the school! That's awesome!

Teller:  You kids did this?

Nigel:  Yes. Well, a group of us did.

Teller:  That's a lot of money!

Bob Who Likes Milk:  We're pretty awesome.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

News Notes Announcement

Attention! Attention! 

From now through the month of December, we will be selling all four of last year’s Fried Eagles—all of Volume 1—for only $10. It’s called the Fried Eagle Four-Pack. And it’s only $10! So hurry up and get it now! 

These are all of our last year’s Fried Eagles, and this is the only chance to get them—all four of them at the same time! This is a one-time only sale. And it’s basically your Hanukkah/Christmas/Kwanzaa gift. It would make a perfect gift for anyone!

The Fried Eagle Four-Pack will help your kids read, and kids have written it. Anyone can have it. It’s for all ages. The Four-Pack’s on sale on every Friday. It’s on Friday because it’s Fried Eagle. Get it? We’ll be in the front field. If you guys really want a Four-Pack and you don’t want to come to the front field on Fridays, you can also order them at the main office. 

The Fried Eagle Four-Pack is entertaining. It’s fun and weird and weird and fun! It’s not a cheap toy because it’s made out of paper, and no toy is made of paper. And it doesn’t make cavities, of course. It’s good to get these because it also raises money for the Foundation so it’s like extra. 

Buy your Fried Eagle Four-Pack right now!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Pig Racing at French Prairie Gardens

To see the pigs race was hilarious! At the end, the farmers decided that they would do duck racing. That was the most hilarious part. The pigs wore bandanas to show which color of team won. The farmer would choose a leader to have the leader cheer on the pig. Whichever leader's pig won, the leader would get an award. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Fried Eagle Meeting

We tried to make 100 of the sponsor thingies. We drew silly faces of each other. We made funny articles. We got awesome snacks and we had a lot of plain fun.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Bauman's Giant Pumpkin Weigh-Off Field Trip

At Bauman's, we saw giant pumpkins and we did a lot of stuff. We saw the weigh-off of the giant pumpkins. We interviewed the winner and one of the pumpkin growers. The winner promised to send us his seeds of his giant pumpkin that weighed 1,576.5 pounds! A lot of kids from Fried Eagle seemed excited, and we were wondering how we're going to grow giant pumpkins.

News Notes School Announcement!


It is kids working together to make comics and articles--and especially articles--for a magazine. Zine is short for magazine. Fried Eagle is called a zine. 

All the money goes to the Ainsworth public school. We’ll walk around after school at 2:15 until 2:45, so that’s 30 minutes. You guys don’t have to rush, we’ll be there for a while. It’s costs $2 or more money. The rest of the extra money goes to Ainsworth. 

You can turn in your order form envelope in at the main office, too. You’ll get a zine that way, too.

So make sure to buy a Fried Eagle zine! Here’s our blog:

Peace out people and (achoo!) bless you! And have a good day!

The Fried Eagle staff

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Blue Heron Herbary Field Trip

We went in a corn maze and we visited the Blue Heron Herbary and we played in rain puddles. We liked everything!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The New Sheriffs in Town

We have a few new sheriffs in town: the Fried Eagle Staff. Lookout! The kids are taking over the blog! Here's their first post:

We did lots of comics and we had snack! It was a winter theme. We played with sticks and there was one shaped like a pickaxe and inside it was really soft so we hit the pickaxe on the rock and we pretended the little chips were gold to buy popsicles with.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

One day, we took a trip to the Oregon Capitol...

On Friday, April 5th, the Fried Eagle went to to the Oregon Capitol to listen to hearing on gun control measures. It was a huge adventure! We listened while many many people told the Senators how they felt about gun control. We also told them how we felt -- through our T-shirts! We also wrote stuff down and left it with them.

The Capitol was huge! We got to run around the grounds and eat pizza for lunch. Yum.

Lots of people from the media were there. Some of them wanted to talk to us! Our T-shirts got on TV!

We got to interview a real state trooper. He showed us some of the stuff that he carries around. Taser, hand cuffs, walkie talkie, wow! He was a nice guys and he answered all of our questions.