Saturday, October 26, 2013

Pig Racing at French Prairie Gardens

To see the pigs race was hilarious! At the end, the farmers decided that they would do duck racing. That was the most hilarious part. The pigs wore bandanas to show which color of team won. The farmer would choose a leader to have the leader cheer on the pig. Whichever leader's pig won, the leader would get an award. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Fried Eagle Meeting

We tried to make 100 of the sponsor thingies. We drew silly faces of each other. We made funny articles. We got awesome snacks and we had a lot of plain fun.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Bauman's Giant Pumpkin Weigh-Off Field Trip

At Bauman's, we saw giant pumpkins and we did a lot of stuff. We saw the weigh-off of the giant pumpkins. We interviewed the winner and one of the pumpkin growers. The winner promised to send us his seeds of his giant pumpkin that weighed 1,576.5 pounds! A lot of kids from Fried Eagle seemed excited, and we were wondering how we're going to grow giant pumpkins.

News Notes School Announcement!


It is kids working together to make comics and articles--and especially articles--for a magazine. Zine is short for magazine. Fried Eagle is called a zine. 

All the money goes to the Ainsworth public school. We’ll walk around after school at 2:15 until 2:45, so that’s 30 minutes. You guys don’t have to rush, we’ll be there for a while. It’s costs $2 or more money. The rest of the extra money goes to Ainsworth. 

You can turn in your order form envelope in at the main office, too. You’ll get a zine that way, too.

So make sure to buy a Fried Eagle zine! Here’s our blog:

Peace out people and (achoo!) bless you! And have a good day!

The Fried Eagle staff