Wednesday, November 18, 2015


We're working on the pizza issue! And having fun with sticky Post-It notes!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


It was the durpiest meeting yet!
(No one ever thanked Lulu for her great generosity in cleaning up the floor!)
We laughed more than we've laughed in a long time


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

First Fried Eagle Meeting of Fifth Grade!!!

Drawing the front cover...

It was a blast! We're starting the winter issue, so be patient!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Summer Zine Work

One of our summer meetings was held in The Bunker!

The front cover was successfully completed!

Monday, June 15, 2015

We Raised $550 Dollars This Year!

And we gave it to the school's foundation! Along with our Swagathon dance, we raised a total of $1,100 dollars!!!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Public Speaking!

The entire Fried Eagle staff has to present the new issues to 24 classrooms at our school. For new people, it may be scary, but once you get the first one over with, it actually seems like you're talking to your own classroom. After doing this many times, it almost feels like a speech you have completely mastered. Despite me being all nervous the first time I spoke in front of the classrooms, it just feels like a fun project thats going to raise money for the school.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


It feels like an accomplishment. The season's zine has been completed and it's raising money for the school. It's more the feeling of the accomplishment than going to celebrate with ice cream at Salt & Straw. We're raising another $200-$300 dollars for our school. That beats ice cream. Definitely!

(At the bank)

(At Salt & Straw)

Friday, January 30, 2015

News & Notes Announcement

Come to Ainsworth school on Fridays and buy the magnificent, awesome Fried Eagle! Buy a Fried Eagle for Valentine’s Day! 

It’s a great reading material that can help your children! It’s the gift of reading! Your children will understand and improve in their reading/writing skills because it’s made by kids!

The Fried Eagle only costs $2 and has guaranteed enjoyment! By buying a Fried Eagle, you’re not only supporting Ainsworth, you’re supporting kids. This is our business. 

Buy Fried Eagle today and be happy!